written by: Jill Raymond
directed by: Isa Sanchez
EVE: Jill Raymond
IDA: Santana Berryman
SOPHIA: Isa Sanchez
CHARLIE: Florence Reiher
CHRIS: Matheus Severo
GRAHAM: Richard Guenther
MOM: Carrie Hunter
THERAPIST: Bailey Corneal
TOM: Kenneth Tynan
NEWSCASTER: Natalie Moon
SIREXA: Larissa Thompson
Director: Isa Sanchez
Writer: Jill Raymond
Stage Manager: Andy Sandberg
Video/Sound Programming Assistant: Shona Struthers
Lighting Design: Kiki Elrick
Cam Op: Natalie Moon
Editing: Isa Sanchez
Multimedia Artist: Jill Raymond
A Note from the Director
One of the many revelations I've had in the last two years is that we are interconnected and we are here for connection - real, flesh-to-flesh connection with each other and nature.
Eve's over-technologized world might seem removed from our current reality, but it is not too far from the present life experienced in so-called 'first world' countries. We are drawn to and by our personal devices through screens and earbuds that, while representing the appearance of expanding the possibilities at our fingertips, also detach us from being fully present and in touch with the world and those around us.
Besides technology, there are other illusions, another matrix, we are all entangled in that make us feel disconnected from each other: the judgments we hold that keep us from seeing the humanity in others, the limiting conclusions we have made as if we were powerless to change our circumstances, and the divisive narratives we perpetuate as if we weren't all interconnected.
With ve·ri·si·mil·i·tude, my hope is to walk with you, our audience, through an awakening from those illusions, to remind you that you can step out of them, to inspire you to really live life with all its beauty and all its mess, and to encourage you to choose real connection over and over again. You always have a choice.
With gratitude and a big open-hearted hug,
A Note from the Writer
I'm beginning to notice a pattern in my writing: the turning point of 'solutions'. In HYSTERIA the 'consent app' was developed to help mitigate the problems we experience in our current society around consent and legality/justice. In ve·ri·si·mil·i·tude, the 'Safe Space' program means we will never need to worry about the inherent dangers of being a human in the 'real world'. A utopian fantasy which unravels into the dystopia we explore within the show.
Our insatiable desire for technology and advancing ourselves further and further into the digital realm, whilst simultaneously detaching ourselves more and more from each other as humans goes against our nature as social animals. Once the novelty of a digital 'life on demand' fades, what is truly there? 'What do you consider 'real' to be?'
Eve falls victim to her ambitions, to the societal pressures that surrounded her before joining the program, to the desire of advancing human-kind into a new era, ultimately - to herself.
So, dear human, as you look at your faint reflection on whatever device you are currently reading this from I invite you to stop, take a breath, look around, feel, and remember home. Our home. This is where we live.
If you enjoyed the show, please consider donating to Direct Theatre Collective - so that we can pay the incredible cast and crew of this production. You can also send a direct transfer to